Setting aside time for vacation is much easier said than done. The planning process of family friendly travel requires us to take time away from our hectic schedules and commit to paying more money than we may have in our budget. Overall, family friendly vacation planning can feel overwhelming.
In this day and age, we must also face comparison as we see pictures posted of lavish summer vacations we can only dream of going on someday. This can cloud our judgment and lead us to feel stressed about traveling, rather than enjoying our time and freedom away.
Family Friendly Places to Travel
I’m not sure where this idea came from that we must spend absurd amounts of money in order to consider it a vacation, but that is simply not true. There are countless, affordable family friendly places to travel options out there that your family will love and the best part is, they won’t break the bank!
Go Camping : There’s no need to travel hours in a car if you don’t want to you, especially if you have kids that don’t like sitting still for long periods. Instead, look up nearby campgrounds and pick somewhere that is far enough to drown out the noise, yet close enough that your commute is stress-free. If pitching a tent isn’t for you, consider renting an affordable RV. This way, you can travel with ease, park where you want, and leave just as quickly.
As far as activities go, check out hiking or biking trails, these are free activities that will also provide a fun way to exercise. Most places provide trail maps on their sites that you can print or download so you can preplan some routes that look manageable for your family.
Remember, your kids don’t care how much money you spend, nature-based activities will be just as exciting to them. Spend the day swimming in the lake followed by a campfire with s’mores in the evening. That’s all you need for a family friendly travel trip.
Rent Off-Season At The Beach : With thousands of miles of coastline in the United States, there is no excuse for not being able to find a cheaper beach alternative, especially if you go off-season. Hotels often have their best deals during this time to get more people to visit. Along with that, tourist destinations and activities will be less expensive since the locals want to keep their businesses profitable.
Take advantage of cost-effective coastline rentals and don’t be afraid to ask for a better deal if you feel it’s warranted. Find restaurants with weeknight deals on food and drinks. Although eating out is fun, this can add up if you don’t pay attention.
Explore A National Park: National-Parks are beautiful, historic, and some of the world’s greatest wonders. Check out the best budget lodging near national parks and pick a place you have always wanted to explore. Research free or affordable things to do at the parks. Pack a picnic lunch for the family and take in the views.
If you’re in for more adventure, go horseback riding at California National Parks, rent kayaks for the day, sled down sand dunes, or take a tour of a cave. Step outside your comfort zone and try something new. Travel doesn’t need to be expensive and you don’t need to spend your life savings to learn something about yourself.